"ΠΑΡΑΔΟΣΙΑΚΗ ΤΑΒΕΡΝΑ "ΤΟ ΑΝΩΙ" στο Παλιό Ελατοχώρι Πιερίας.
Αν καθώς κάνετε την απογευματινή σας βόλτα στο γραφικό Παλιό Ελατοχώρι ψάχνοντας κάποια ταβέρνα για να ξελογιάσετε την πείνα σας, θα τραβηξει σιγουρα την προσοχή σας το Ανώι.
Μια ταβέρνα όπου δεσπόζει διακριτικά στην άκρη του κεντρικού δρόμου και περιμένει να τρατάρει τους κουρασμένους ταξιδιώτες όλων των λογιών τα φαγητά.
Μόλις ανοίξετε την πόρτα και ανεβείτε τα σκαλάκια που θα δείτε μπροστά σας θα αντικρύσετε στην κορυφή τους έναν πολύ ζεστό χώρο, αλλά αυτό που θα κεντρίσει το ενδιαφέρον σας είναι το επιβλητικό του τζάκι, που είναι αναμμένο όλες τις κρύες μέρες του χειμώνα και ζεσταίνει όλο το μαγαζί!
A Taste You Will Remember!
In the heart of the city center of the beautiful Elatochori in Pieria region, Minutes from the Ski Center and at the edge of the main street, Mr. Thomas has his traditional To Anoi tavern, which opened in 2010.
Once you open our tavern's door and go upstairs, you will see a home-like area. Hence, you will relax in front of a glowing fireplace that warms the whole place on those arctic winter days.
Our menu items are inspired by Greek cuisine, as we use the freshest ingredients in preparing our food to provide you with the best quality and taste. We have fresh food from Greek cuisine. Also, we have a variety of creative handmade Soups, Mushroom soups, and Trachanas (traditional wheat and milk soup) to choose from.
At To Anoi, Hunt Food, such as Wild Boar and Hare Stew, are offered. Also, we have perfected our recipes for years, rubbed with a secret blend of seasonings and topped with our signature garlic butter. Similarly, meat on a skewer is excellent, in addition to delicious homemade desserts. Furthermore, we offer our produced products for anyone to buy, such as walnuts.
Then we will let you be a voyeur into the past. As our tavern offers you the chance to time travel, visit a cave, and pull back the curtain on early 1920. since a top robber and a local hero named Yiagoulas used to run and hide in a cave a little above the tavern when the Turkish army was chasing him. Fortunately, Yiagoulas spent several nights here in our tavern whenever he passed through the area.
Feel the joy of mouthwatering food, and wake up your taste buds!
8774+GJ Pieria, Greece
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